High School Senior

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Hey Seniors!

You may be shocked to know that making you look attractive is NOT our highest priority when shooting your session! Surprised? Let me explain. We believe every person has incredible intrinsic value. There is no one alive who is just like you! You are priceless, unique, and created for a purpose. We believe there is so much more to celebrate in you than just your appearance! Whether you are courageous, creative, kind, athletic, a thinker, witty, encouraging, joyful, artistic, giving, dedicated, musical, a leader, sensitive or intelligent, we want to find what’s best about you and celebrate it. When we create your senior photos, you will look good. But even better, you’ll see yourself the way we do; as an inspiring young adult doing an amazing job of being you.
EACH AND EVERY senior we’ve ever photographed has been unique, and so are their photos. Because we start with learning who you are as a person, the result is that no two sessions will look the same. We shoot in a wide variety of locations, from urban to rustic and love to incorporate things that are “you”. We are experienced in knowing how to help you choose great outfits, give you prop suggestions, hair & makeup advice, etc. From the very beginning you will feel at ease and confident with us. If you want to have even more fun, check out our exclusive “bring a friend” sessions.
Note To Parents
A lot of troubling messages are being directed to teenagers today. Themes of self absorption are marketed to young people, trends to over sensualize teens is prevalent, and the photography industry is part of the problem! We know you see so much more in your daughter/son, and we do too. The choices they make in their early years of adulthood will have a direct result on the outcome of their lives, which is why we want to encourage them in this critical time to aspire to something greater than themselves and fulfill their purpose. A senior photo session is a powerful way to reinforce your son or daughter’s unique value, and springboard them into their adult lives with confidence!

Your precious daughter/son is in a milestone age of life! I know you’ve invested thousands of days and hours into your teenagers life, and you want something special for yourself. We’ll make a beautiful portrait for you to hang in your home that will remind your child how proud you are of them. For your senior we’ll create an album, which is the best way of preserving all of the photos. Our hope is that it will be a long term way of encouraging your senior and promote a true sense of self worth.

We encourage you to come along for your child’s session to support and join in the fun. We may or may not recruit your help holding a light or reflector. 🙂

Let’s get Started

    On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you to have Kris and Samaria photograph you? 1 = Not excited at all. 10 = Very Excited!!!

    Best time to call: What is your role? Type of session.

    How did you hear about us? (required) Who can we thank for the referral?

    Tell us a little about yourself, interests, hobbies, etc

    Call 740-966-1365

    Style Life Photography, ltd - Utica, OH